Important Full Forms of GK PDF 2024

Important Full Forms of GK PDF: Knowing things about the world is really important when you’re preparing for exams like UPSC. They tackle inquiry, about present day topics, historical events, governmental operation and related theme. In this article we will explore acronyms for general understanding to aid you in excelling in your exams scheduled for 2024. To simplify matters for you we have compiled a list presented in a table format. Furthermore we have provided links, to government websites should you require details. Therefore all the resources are available here to support your pursuits!

1ABCAmerican Broadcasting CompanyGeneral and Media
2ACLAccess Control ListTechnology and Network Security
3ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power InterfaceTechnology and Computer Hardware
4ADRAmerican Depositary ReceiptEconomics and Finance
5AFCAsian Football ConfederationSports and Football tournaments
6AGIArtificial General IntelligenceTechnology and Artificial Intelligence
7AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeHealth and Medical Science
8AIArtificial IntelligenceTechnology and Computer Science
9AIOAll-In-OneTechnology and Computer Hardware
10AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XMLTechnology and Web Development
11AMOLEDActive Matrix Organic Light-Emitting DiodeTechnology and Display Technology
12APMCAgricultural Produce Market CommitteeEconomics and Agriculture
13ARBAugmented Reality BookTechnology and Augmented Reality
14BCCIBoard of Control for Cricket in IndiaSports and Cricket tournaments
15BCiBase Currency InterestEconomics and Finance
16BLOBBinary Large ObjectTechnology and Database Management
17BODMASBrackets, Orders, Division/Multiplication…Mathematics and Arithmetic
18BOGOBuy One Get OneGeneral Shopping and Offers
19BPOBusiness Process OutsourcingTechnology and Business
20BRICSBrazil, Russia, India, China, South AfricaInternational Relations and Cooperation
21CADComputer-Aided DesignTechnology and Engineering
22CAGRCompound Annual Growth RateEconomics and Finance
23CAGComptroller and Auditor General of IndiaIndian Government and Auditing
24CATCommon Admission TestEducation and Entrance Exams
25CBICentral Bureau of InvestigationIndian Government and Law Enforcement
26CISFCentral Industrial Security ForceIndian Armed Forces and Security
27CNGCompressed Natural GasEnergy and Fuel
28COPPAChildren’s Online Privacy Protection ActInternet and Data Protection
29CPUCentral Processing UnitTechnology and Computer Hardware
30CRPFCentral Reserve Police ForceIndian Armed Forces and Security
31DAppDecentralized ApplicationTechnology and Blockchain
32MCUMicrocontroller UnitTechnology and Embedded Systems
33DBMSDatabase Management SystemTechnology and Database Management
34DDRDouble Data RateTechnology and Computer Memory
35DPCMDifferential Pulse Code ModulationTechnology and Data Compression
36DTHDirect to HomeTechnology and Broadcasting
37DSLRDigital Single-Lens ReflexPhotography and Cameras
38DTPDesktop PublishingTechnology and Design
39ECGElectrocardiogramMedical and Cardiology
40EDREnhanced Data RateTechnology and Bluetooth
41EEREqual Error RateTechnology and Biometric Systems
42EMIElectromagnetic InterferenceTechnology and Electronics
43EMRElectronic Medical RecordMedical and Healthcare
44EVMElectronic Voting MachineIndian Government and Elections
45EWSEconomically Weaker SectionIndian Government and Reservation
46FAQFrequently Asked QuestionsGeneral and Information
47FIFAFédération Internationale de Football AssociationSports and Football tournaments
48FOVField of ViewTechnology and Optics
49FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of IndiaIndian Government and Food Safety
50FTPFile Transfer ProtocolTechnology and Data Transfer
51MCAMaster of Computer ApplicationsEducation and Computer Science
52GIFGraphics Interchange FormatTechnology and Image Format
53GISGeographic Information SystemTechnology and Mapping
54GPSGlobal Positioning SystemTechnology and Navigation
55GPUGraphics Processing UnitTechnology and Computer Hardware
56GSTGoods and Services TaxIndian Government and Taxation
57GUIGraphical User InterfaceTechnology and Computer Science
58HAPHuman Augmentation PlatformTechnology and Human Augmentation
59HBOHome Box OfficeEntertainment and Television
60HCLHindustan Computers LimitedIndian Company and Information Technology
61HDLHardware Description LanguageTechnology and Computer Hardware
62HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia InterfaceTechnology and Audio/Video Interfaces
63MCBMiniature Circuit BreakerTechnology and Electrical Engineering
64HTMLHypertext Markup LanguageTechnology and Web Development
65HTML5Hypertext Markup Language 5Technology and Web Development
66HTTPHypertext Transfer ProtocolTechnology and Web Communication
67IASIndian Administrative ServiceIndian Civil Services and Government
68IBSIrritable Bowel SyndromeMedical and Gastroenterology
69ICBMIntercontinental Ballistic MissileMilitary and Defense
70IITIndian Institutes of TechnologyIndian Education and Technology
71IIMIndian Institutes of ManagementIndian Education and Management Studies
72IMSIP Multimedia SubsystemTechnology and Telecommunications
73IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment IdentityTechnology and Mobile Communication
74IMFInternational Monetary FundInternational Economics and Finance
75IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber IdentityTechnology and Mobile Communication
76INRIndian RupeeIndian Currency and Finance
77IPSIndian Police ServiceIndian Civil Services and Law Enforcement
78IPv4Internet Protocol version 4Technology and Networking
79IPv6Internet Protocol version 6Technology and Networking
80IoTInternet of ThingsTechnology and Smart Devices
81IQIntelligence QuotientGeneral and Psychology
82IRCInternet Relay ChatTechnology and Online Communication
83IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Development AuthorityIndian Government and Insurance
84IRSIndian Revenue ServiceIndian Civil Services and Taxation
85ISBNInternational Standard Book NumberGeneral and Publishing
86ISDNIntegrated Services Digital NetworkTechnology and Telecommunications
87ISOInternational Organization for StandardizationInternational Standards and Quality
88ISPInternet Service ProviderTechnology and Internet Services
89ITInformation TechnologyGeneral and Technology
90JCBJoseph Cyril BamfordConstruction and Heavy Machinery
91JDBCJava Database ConnectivityTechnology and Database Management
92JEEJoint Entrance ExaminationEducation and Entrance Exams
93JPEGJoint Photographic Experts GroupTechnology and Image Compression
94JREJava Runtime EnvironmentTechnology and Software Development
95JSPJavaServer PagesTechnology and Web Development
96JSONJavaScript Object NotationTechnology and Data Interchange
97JVMJava Virtual MachineTechnology and Software Development
98KPIKey Performance IndicatorBusiness and Performance Measurement
99LANLocal Area NetworkTechnology and Networking
100LCDLiquid Crystal DisplayTechnology and Display Technology
101LEDLight Emitting DiodeTechnology and Lighting
102LIDLearning and Instructional DesignEducation and Instructional Design
103LMSLearning Management SystemTechnology and Education
104LPGLiquefied Petroleum GasEnergy and Fuel
105MBOManagement By ObjectivesBusiness and Management
106MMSMultimedia Messaging ServiceTechnology and Mobile Communication
107MRAMMagnetoresistive Random Access MemoryTechnology and Data Storage
108MRIMagnetic Resonance ImagingMedical and Imaging

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